Concept & Marketing Consultants for Colivings

Stand out and get noticed in the fast-expanding coliving industry.

We know how time-consuming and overwhelming operating a coliving can be. With our guidance as your coliving consultants, you will save time, shape your concept, learn how to tell your story to the world, and level up your coliving experience.

Coliving Consultants - MCS
Working with colivings

Who do we work with?

Businesses in the coliving ecosystem

We specialize in working with colivings and other businesses involved in the coliving movement. While your services support shared-living experiences, our services support you. Here are some examples of project types our coliving consultancy supports:

Coliving spaces

Pop-up experiences

Workation retreats

Community residence

What makes a successful coliving?

As coliving consultants, we believe coliving spaces need to hold certain values in order to provide a genuine coliving experience. These are the values we want to support.

Promoting a bigger social or environmental cause or purpose.

Leaving a positive impact on the local community.

Putting a focus on learning, growing, and collaboration.

Nurturing a community that shares its values and ideals.

Bringing new value to individuals, communities, and its industry.

Having a clearly defined concept and a message that it wants to share.

Services for coliving places

coliving Consulting

Every coliving has strengths, weaknesses, and areas that you can improve. We will work with you to identify those areas, unlock your superpowers and put light on your strengths.

Through our experience collaborating with many different coliving operators on their projects, we discovered that some of the sectors they appreciated our help with are

Marketing & Content Strategy

We’ll work with you to analyze your current digital presence, find your coliver persona, and explore competitors, role models, and best practices. Then, we will together create a content strategy for your business that will secure visibility among future colivers that share your brand’s vision.

Concept & Coliving Development

Not one coliving business has the same offering, but it’s sometimes hard to see your unique value from the outside. That’s where we step in. We’ll guide you to finding your uniqueness and strengths. Together, we will define your concept and business identity that will fit into your coliving like a glove.

Coliving Management Tips & Tools

Managing a coliving space has so many different faces. Instead of tiring yourself by trying to do it all alone, learning about some management tools, strategies, and software, can help your coliving run more smoothly. We’ll introduce you to some useful tricks and tools for managing, do research for you, and brainstorm with you about your management struggles.

Product & Activities Development

A coliving should have products, experiences, and/or activities built around its purpose that will increase its revenue, be its marketing tool, and define its colivers’ experience. We’ll work with you on finding your products, activities, and/or experiences that will attract new colivers and increase your retention rate.

Managed services

As digital marketers with 8+ years working in the field, we understand how important it is to reach your desired audience and deliver a clear picture of your business/services.

Most coliving operators that we worked with admitted that along with handling day-to-day duties around coliving, they don’t have time for executing marketing efforts.

That’s why with managed coliving marketing services, we are taking that responsibility on ourselves.


Lastly, at My Coliving Space, we’re developing products ready for you to purchase and use without the hassle of implementation and management.

At the moment, we are offering customized SEO workshops – in the form of consultancy for coliving operators and in the form of an education activity to offer to your colivers.

Explore all services below or schedule an exploratory call.

Activity planning and coliving events

How We Can Enhance Your Coliving Experience

Marketing services for coliving places

Coliving Consulting

Our coliving consultancy is based on our extensive experience in marketing, diverse knowledge of the coliving industry, and the focus on a personalized and devoted client approach.

As your coliving consultants, we focus on hearing, understanding, and guiding you to define your concept, offerings, and experience.

MCS Consulting Options
Coliving management

Managed Services (Content & SEO)

If you want us to be partially or fully in charge of your marketing efforts, look into our services beyond consulting.

From individual services to our bundled recommendations, our team will take responsibility for both planning and execution to build or level up your online presence.

From €990/month

MCS Managed Services

Community & Education

In 4 out of 5 coliving places, colivers said they would have appreciated more professional workshops included in the activities.

Use our prepared, tested, and coliver-approved SEO and Digital Marketing workshops, seminars, or 1-on-1 sessions to engage your colivers and enhance their experience.

From €540/month

Check out our scope of services


Meet Your Coliving Consultants

As a team of experienced digital marketing specialists and slow travelers with unique skill sets, we focus on the coliving industry. In our journey so far, we’ve had the opportunity to stay in 11 coliving places, collaborate with 30+ coliving owners, and live with more than 300 colivers. Today, as coliving consultants, we help aspiring businesses in the coliving industry improve their offerings and stand out.

Marko Begović

Coliving Consultant (Digital Marketing)

Gala Ladišić

Coliving Consultant (Education & Content)


Our projects

Apart from our coliving consultancy, we organize occasional projects that help us dive deeper into the world of coliving and gather necessary insights from the first perspective. We find these insights very valuable as they come both from the coliving owners and the community.

The Coliving Spain Project

(3rd Edition, Since 2021)

Coliving Europe

Applications open

Coliving Americas

Coming Soon


Do you offer customized consulting services for existing coliving operators?

Yes, of course. We provide tailored consulting services to existing coliving operators who are looking to enhance their offerings, improve operations, or expand their coliving business.

Can I purchase your services outside of the packages?

Yes, of course. Our packages are designed in a way that combines services that often go together in order to cover the whole picture. However, you can choose some of our services separately. Feel free to book a call with us or send an email, and we can use it to find the best solutions for your specific needs.

Do you provide any discounts?

We offer discounts when you purchase services through our packages. On top of that, we offer additional discounts to our project partners. If you’d like to become a project partner, view open applications here.

Can I use your services if I don’t own a coliving?

Even though our services are specifically designed for colivings, they cover a vast of areas that are relevant to this niche and can be found outside of coliving, too (such as coworking, community management, coliving events, etc.). If you think your needs fall under one of these areas, feel free to book a call or send an email, and we will let you know if we’d be a suitable solution for you.

Can you tell me more about your SEO workshops for coliving operators and how they help coliving owners?

Our SEO workshops are specifically designed for coliving operators who want to improve their online visibility and search engine rankings. We designed these workshops based on our experience collaborating with 10+ coliving owners. In these workshops, we provide training on best practices for creating and optimizing website content, conducting keyword and competition research, implementing on-page and off-page SEO strategies, and monitoring performance. Our goal is to empower coliving operators with the necessary knowledge and skills to enhance their online presence and attract more website visitors and potential colivers to their spaces.

How can I get started with your consultancy or managed services for my coliving business?

Quite easy! Simply reach out to us through our contact form. We will schedule a free initial consultation to understand your specific needs and discuss how our services can benefit your coliving business. From there, we can decide what option best suits your requirements and begin our collaboration.

Have more questions? Get in touch!

If you have any specific questions about our coliving services or anything else that you didn’t find here, feel free to reach out. We’d be happy to jump on a call or have a chat via email.

Online Consultation

My Coliving Space

We know how time-consuming owning a coliving and managing a community is, so we want to be your support from the outside. We’ll help you get noticed, tell your story, and manage all those tasks that you can’t seem to find time for.


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© 2022 My Coliving Space